Airbnb Host Login: Step-By-Step Guide

Ever get that feeling like you want to bang your head against a brick wall? Simple things like logging in can get frustrating when it doesn’t work. If you find the Airbnb login process confusing or want to know more tips about keeping your host account secure then read our in-depth guide

Airbnb host login quick guide

Logging into your host account step-by-step

Airbnb log in not working troubleshooting tips

How to change your Airbnb login password

Keeping your Airbnb host account secure

Commonly asked Airbnb host login questions

Logging into your host account step-by-step

“Why can’t I log in to my account!” I hear you say. Well, logging into your Airbnb account should be a straightforward process and for some people it is. For unlucky ones, however, the multiple ways Airbnb allows you to sign up for an account and the extra step hosts need to go through to access the relevant account details means that it’s not too difficult to get confused sometimes.

Let’s go through the basic steps to get into your host account or sign up if you are doing this for the first time.

Accessing the Airbnb login for UK users

Go to the Airbnb login page or open the Airbnb app if accessing Airbnb from your mobile device. Alternatively, typing in ‘Airbnb login UK’ into a search engine should also help you find the right page. Most Airbnb hosts should be able to log in by putting in their email address or phone number. 

Alternatively, if you set up your account with Facebook, Google, or Apple profile details and have not created an Airbnb-specific password, then you should be able to log in through one of these profiles instead. Once you have put in your profile information, the website will ask for your password if you are an existing user.

Setting your Airbnb sign-in password for the first time

Be sure to set a strong password. Creating a difficult-to-guess password can minimise any security risk. But don’t forget to make a mental note of it so you don’t forget!  

If you want Airbnb to remember your details each time you log in, you may want to save the password on your device so that you don’t have to remember this in the future. Your device or browser should prompt you to do this. Check out our security tips for more information on keeping your account secure before you do anything.

Airbnb owner login

Once you are in your Airbnb account there is just an extra step you need to take if you want to access the section for hosting. For users accessing their account through a desktop or web browser, select the ‘Switch to hosting’ option near the top of the screen. Mobile users using the Airbnb app can access this section by clicking on their profile and selecting ‘Switch to hosting’ from the available menu.

Once in, you should be able to access things such as your bookings, hosting calendar, and useful insights.

Airbnb host login from a different device

If you are logging into your account from a new device or have attempted to log in multiple times, you might need to go through an additional confirmation process to ensure you are the account user. When prompted, Airbnb will send you either an email or text message with a code. Once you have entered this code into the Airbnb site where asked, you should be able to log in as normal.

How do I communicate with Airbnb?

Once you’ve logged in, you can contact Airbnb by visiting their contact page. Once there, type your question in the search bar provided and Airbnb’s site will try to answer the query for you. If this does not give you the answer needed, it will give you an option to contact Airbnb directly via live chat, message, or phone. Airbnb can also be reached on social media platforms such as Twitter at @AirbnbHelp for support questions that can be answered via direct message.

Sometimes it is also nice to get answers from other Airbnb hosts as well. If it is other Airbnb hosts rather than Airbnb directly you want to speak to, why not post your query on the Airbnb Community Forum? Get tips directly from hosts like you! You will need to sign in with your existing Airbnb login details to comment there.

What happens if a guest damages your property and you need to make a claim? You’ll need to do this by accessing and submitting a claim through Airbnb’s resolution centre. You’ll have 14 days from the checkout of the responsible guest’s checkout.

Unfortunately, the cover you can get through Airbnb is not enough in our opinion, and won’t give you the same protections as a specialist insurance policy. We cover this issue extensively on our Airbnb insurance page. If you’re looking to get comprehensive protection for hosting, consider taking out dedicated insurance, such as the kind we provide.

Airbnb log in not working troubleshooting tips

Most of the above steps should be enough to get you into your account in no time. If you’re having no luck and are looking for the nearest wall to bang your head against, fear not! Have a look through these common issues first.

Airbnb is asking me to sign up instead.

If Airbnb wants you to fill out your profile information and sign up instead of logging in with your password, the site does not recognise your details.  A simple typo or misspelling is common if you don’t have your details saved on your device. Check you typed your details in correctly.

Airbnb gives you the option to deactivate your account. Once this has been done you won’t be able to reactivate it. If you are trying to login in with deactivated account details then you will need to sign up for a new account instead.

Airbnb doesn’t recognise my password.

It could be that you have misspelt it or are using an old password. If you usually have your password saved on your device, you may have changed it and not saved your new one. You may need to change your password details.

My Airbnb account has been disabled.

In certain cases, Airbnb may disable your account temporarily. This may happen for several reasons such as a low response or acceptance rate. Check the inbox for any emails sent by Airbnb. To reactivate your account in this case, follow the steps in the email you received.

How to change your Airbnb login password

The most common reason for many Airbnb hosts struggling to log in is that they have simply forgotten their password. If you’re having trouble changing yours or already know your password and want to change it, follow these simple steps.

Password change for desktop or mobile browsers

Airbnb will prompt you to reset your password if you put the wrong one in. Alternatively, you can navigate straight to the reset password page to skip this step.

Click the ‘Send reset link’ and you will be emailed a link to reset your password shortly. For those having to request the reset link more than once, make sure you’re using the right email address. If you already know your password and want to change it, log into your account, click or tap on your profile and select ‘Login & security.’ You will then need to confirm your existing password and create a new one.

IOS and android Airbnb app password change

Tap the log-in option if the app doesn’t prompt you to sign in. Select the ‘Continue with email’ option and put in the email address associated with your account.

Underneath the text box where it asks for your password should be a ‘Forgotten password’ link. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for a password reset link to be emailed to you. Unlike desktop and mobile browser users there is no option to change your password once logged in. Instead, log out and follow the steps above for changing your password.

What if I don’t receive a password reset email from Airbnb?

Sometimes you may find that you don’t receive the reset password email from Airbnb. If this happens, try resetting your password again or checking the junk folder in your inbox. Email providers sometimes offer features such as email previews that stop the reset password emails from working. Follow the steps above first and if all else fails, try disabling this feature in case it is causing the email link to expire before you have even opened it.

Creating a password if you signed up with Apple, Google, or Facebook.

The convenient reason for signing up to Airbnb via a pre-existing Apply Google or Facebook account is that you don’t have to create another password to do so. But you do have the option of creating a password if you want to. To do this you just need to log out of your account. You can then follow the steps outlined in our reset password guide.

Keeping your Airbnb host account secure 

The best way to keep your account secure is by sticking to some basic security principles. By following these tips you should be able to minimise the risk of anything bad happening to your account.

Setting a strong password

‘Yourname1976’ may seem like a convenient way to remember your password but it’s much easier for potential hackers to guess. Make it difficult for this to happen by selecting a more random series of letters, numbers, and special character symbols.

Whilst it may seem tempting to use the same or similar password to what you have used on other sites, this could put your account at risk. If another site you use has been hacked, using that same password for Airbnb could leave your account vulnerable.

Be careful if saving your password to a device

We mentioned earlier that it can be convenient to save your password to your device so you don’t have to remember it all the time. But if you use it on a shared device, someone else could access your account! Consider not doing this if you use a shared device and never do this if logging into Airbnb from a public device such as a library computer.

Watch out for suspicious activity

Sometimes you may notice a guest do something unusual such as request personal information that could identify you or send you a link. If a guest does this it could be that they are ‘phishing’ for information. This is when they try and obtain personal information or get you to download a virus then enables them to hack your account.

Flag any suspicious activity like this Airbnb straight away if you suspect this is happening. A potential scammer may also try and send you a fake Airbnb email. Airbnb themselves don’t share out a host’s email address even after you have confirmed a reservation. If you receive a suspicious-looking email or are not sure if it is genuine then the safest thing to do is to log in to your Airbnb account and check your notifications. If in doubt, contact Airbnb themselves.

Check for unauthorised logins

Does it look like actions have been taken on your account without your permission?

  1. Access your Airbnb account from a browser and select ‘Login and security’ after accessing your account details from the profile drop-down.
  2. Under ‘Device History’ you will see a list of devices that have accessed your account.
  3. Go to the Airbnb review page of your account if this happens and follow the instructions. Airbnb may ask you to log in again if you do this.

Set up multi-factor authentication

Remember when we said Airbnb may send you a code sent to your email or phone if you try to log in from a new device? That’s Airbnb putting in an extra layer of security to make sure that your account is safe. Follow the steps below to activate this:

  1. Go to the Airbnb website or open the app.
  2. Click on the profile icon.
  3. Click the “Personal information” tab.
  4. Tap or click “Add” next to your number.
  5. Airbnb will text you a one-time, four-digit passcode, or it will call if you select that option.
  6. Input the passcode, and you should be good to go.

Once activated, it’ll become more difficult for people that have guessed your account password to access it.

Commonly asked Airbnb login questions

We’ve covered a lot of ground but there are still a lot of things we haven’t covered from specific account queries to contacting Airbnb and security concerns. Still have questions? Read on to find out more.

How do I retrieve my Airbnb password?

Forgotten your password? There is no way of retrieving your existing password unless it is saved on your device. Writing your password down on a piece of paper would not be the best option as anyone could find it. If you have forgotten your password, follow the steps for changing your Airbnb host password instead.

Do you need a password for Airbnb?

You don’t need to set up a password for Airbnb initially if you choose to sign up using Google, Apple, or Facebook but you have the option of doing so if you want to login this way in the future. Setting a password for future logins could be a more secure way of accessing your Airbnb page in case your other accounts get hacked.

Our Airbnb password change section above discusses how you can set up a new password if you haven’t created one before.

How do I get into my Airbnb account?

To log in to your Airbnb account, you will need to go to the Airbnb home page or the Airbnb mobile/tablet app and follow the instructions in our Airbnb login guide above to access your account. Airbnb automatically logs you into the same place where guests can look at their accounts and do things like book holidays. If you want to look at your host account details you will need to click on that to view them.

Why can’t I log into my Airbnb account?

The most common reasons people struggle to get into their account will be forgotten or misspelt login details. If that applies to you, check out our Airbnb login troubleshooting guide.

Sometimes you may find that your browser crashes or does not load the page properly when logging in. Try changing your browser as Airbnb can incur glitches with browsers such as chrome. Alternatively, select the ‘delete browsing history’ option in your browser of choice and try to clear your cache. If you still have trouble logging in, the next step should be to contact Airbnb support.

How do I log into Airbnb with Facebook?

Logging into Airbnb with Facebook will only work if you signed up for an Airbnb account with your Facebook profile in the first place.

To log into Airbnb with Facebook, go to the Airbnb login page on your browser or open the app on your device. Once you are at the sign-in screen, select the ‘Continue with Facebook’ option and follow the on-screen instructions for logging in.

How do I log into Airbnb without Facebook?

When you sign up for Airbnb initially, it gives you several ways to create an account. To avoid using Facebook, sign up with a different option such as email. If you have already set up an account through Facebook but want to log in to Airbnb without using your Facebook login, you have the option of creating a new password. Once a password has been created, you should be able to log in using your email address and password.

How do I change my Airbnb email?

To change your Airbnb email, you need to do this once you have logged in and accessed your personal information from your Airbnb account settings. If you want to change your email address:

  1. Click or tap on your profile. Once you are in your account settings, select ‘Personal information.’
  2. Scroll down to “email address” and click “edit,” make your changes and then click save.
  3. Airbnb will send you an email to your new address to confirm.

How do I change my Airbnb email without a password?

The only way you can change your Airbnb email is by logging in, which means you will need to put in your password to access your account. If you are already logged in however then you won’t need to do this. Once you are in your account, tap on your profile and follow the steps above to change your Airbnb email address.

How do I manage my Airbnb account?

Once you have logged into your Airbnb account, click on your profile icon. This will be either at the top right of your screen or at the bottom of your app.

If you access Airbnb through a browser, there will be one extra step where you need to select ‘Account settings’ from the drop-down menu. From here there are several options from editing your personal information, looking at any payments and payouts to adjusting privacy settings.

Why is my Airbnb account locked?

As outlined in Airbnb’s Terms of Service they may limit, suspend, or deactivate your account. This is standard practice during a review of Airbnb accounts. Account Reviews are part of an effort to maintain Airbnb’s Community Standards. Your account may get locked due to your response rate or acceptance rate. If this happens to you follow the steps in the email that you received to reactivate your account.

Another reason your account could be locked is if you have been deemed to have ‘violated’ their terms of service. Be sure to read their terms of service first so that this does not happen to you.

Can I delete my Airbnb account and make a new one?

You can deactivate your Airbnb account but you won’t be able to reactivate it once you have done so.

To deactivate your account, go to:

  1. Account settings.
  2. Login & security.
  3. Select ‘Deactivate’ at the bottom where it gives you the option to shut down your account.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

If you want to set up another Airbnb account, you’ll need to sign up again.

Where are the account settings on Airbnb?

Once on the Airbnb site, go to the top right of the Airbnb page for the login menu. Click ‘log in‘ and continue to type in your email and password. From here, click on the top right icon which will present a drop-down menu. Click ‘Account.’ You will then get access to all account settings relating to your profile.

Has Airbnb been hacked?

If you are worried your Airbnb account has been compromised these are the following steps you should take, go to Airbnb’s account review page Type in your mobile number and you will receive a 6-digit code to access your account via text message. The next page will ask you to change your password. Press next and change check for any unrecognised changes to your details. Contact Airbnb support and report this.

How many Airbnb accounts can you have?

As outlined in Airbnb’s terms and conditions upon registration a user may not have more than one active account. At Pikl, we place a strong emphasis on responsible hosting. Keep things by the book, focus on being a good host and you should have happy guests (and hopefully a healthy income stream). We wouldn’t recommend anything that violates Airbnb’s terms of service for this reason. If Airbnb suspends or terminates your account then you won’t be able to host on their platform.  

How do I update my Airbnb account?

Airbnb will sometimes require hosts to confirm details on their account or add additional information to ensure it’s really them using it. To update your account you will need to:

To update your information, you need to go to the Airbnb login page. Once you’re logged in, you should see some prompts to keep your listings active. It is only necessary to update your information if Airbnb asks you to. If you don’t update your info, your listings could be deactivated until you update your details.

Airbnb login key takeaways

When starting, there are lots of ways to get confused when trying to access your account. Provided you follow the above steps, you should be back in your account in no time.

As we’ve shown, it’s a good idea to take some sensible precautions to protect your account to keep it secure. Getting additional insurance cover for Airbnb will also ensure your property also has extra cover should any claim through Airbnb’s resolution centre prove unsuccessful.

Looking for Airbnb insurance?

We offer insurance for Airbnb hosting, which includes cover for theft, malicious or accidental damage, public liability and more. By getting a quote you can compare prices for specialist cover across a panel of insurers.

Read more of our Airbnb guides

If you’re wondering how to become an Airbnb host, how to grow your business or want to learn more about hosting-specific topics, take a look at our 30+ Airbnb guides.

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If you have a question or need to make changes to your policy, then please email us or give us a call.

Pikl Insurance Services Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 10449346 with registered office Suite B, 2nd Floor, The Atrium, St. Georges Street, Norwich, England, NR3 1AB. Pikl Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA, firm number 773457.